Just chit chatting with a friend recently.
We were discussing Is being emotional is a weakness or strength.?
She was more of in favour of that it is not a weakness and I was somewhere that it's neither a strength too!
We didn't reach to the conclusion though, because somehow topic got changed....
But When I gave it a thought
Something hit my mind, which was like this ;
"Either you get emotionally black mailed or you do emotionally black mailing!"
....... .......
(And that makes us think completely which way it is weakness and which way it's strength!?)
perfect ...
Depends upon how you channelize it!
P.S.Remove all this form filling procedure. Please..
nice post to think upon...but emotions r subjective... :)
I blog at http://i-am-a-man-namit.blogspot.com/
nice post to think upon...but emotions r subjective... :)
I blog at http://i-am-a-man-namit.blogspot.com/
I think pple tend to exploit you if u r too emotional and the world is full of fakeness, emotional pple should learn to differentiate b/w real and fake
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