Saturday, May 8, 2010


Grandparents! What a treasure a person embraces in ones Lives. They are lucky ones who gets a shelter of their grandparents on them. I Have always been closed to my paternal grandmother. Though I was attached to my maternal grandmother too, But my attachment to paternal grandmother have always been more. My childhood memories revolves around my paternal grandmother only. I couldn't meet my paternal grandfather as He left all of us at very young age. But still somewhere I feel If he would have been alive, he may have loved me the most. It's a inner feeling which resides in me. And because of this feeling at very young age I started searching for a grandfather in old people. Now the search is no more because I have found that love like grandfather. But my love for old people is still same.
I have always felt connected to old people. It really hurts me if any of the old people are mistreated. I understand not every circumstances are same but at the end what matter is that they are old people and should be somewhere respected well irrespective of their whatever behaviour they show. A sympathy with empathy is the key which has to be understood by one while dealing with them.


Creativity said...

Very True Dear :) :)

Arv said...

They are the next best thing after your parents :)

Sanghi said...

They have seen the world which none of us has seen... you sit with them and know about the hidden treasure which they comport... ^_^

Yamini Meduri said...

nice one dear...remembered me of my paternal Grand parents...may their soul rest in peace..!!!

Vintage Obsession said...

Sounds so pamperish :) wish i knew , never stayed with them as they passed away long time ago